Sunday, 17 July 2011

Use Home Fragrances To Give Your Home A Warm Welcoming Fragrance

Evewrybody is keen to keep our homes   in the best possible light. Despite the fact that it may seem peculiar at first glance the way our home smells can often be important too. At the end of the day why go to all the trouble of getting your home beautifully decorated if the overall effect is ruined by some persistent smell that you cannnot quite locate. If you are confronted by lingering, persistent odours in the home there are a few tried and tested remedies you can use in an effort to get rid of them

First things first - make an effort to keep rooms clean and organized. Who know what may be hidden under that pile of magazines that has been sitting undisturbed in the corner for ages . Take some time to de-clutter and, of course, make sure you vacuum and polish often. If you have pets in the house they need to be bathed regularly and their beds or litters should also be kept clean. One of the easiest ways in which to overcome odours is to keep your home well ventilated. Open your windows whenver weather conditions allow to let some fresh air in. This alone can effectively combat that dank lived-in smell. Provided you are not affected by hay fever, try to make the most of the better weather in summer by letting some fresh air in. Put simply it helps make everything appear so much brighter and fresher.

Home fragrances like scented candles are also worth trying out. By this, we do not mean those foul smelling air fresheners or artificial plug ins which were used extensively in the Seventies, but more natural products such as incense sticks, scented candles or scented reeds. When it comes to selecting home fragrances it is probably advisable to go for the best quality products you can buy, like scented candles made by luxury brands such as True Grace candles and Yankee candles. These manufacturers craft their products using essential plant oils meaning they afford your home a fresh, natural fragrance. There is a plethora of different fragrances available so give several a try until you find one that you prefer.

The two rooms in the home that that are most susceptible to lingering smells are the kitchen and the bathroom. Give your kitchen or bathroom work surfaces the once over by using the tried and trusted old favourite of vinegar, which you can also blend with bicarbonate of soda. In fact vinegar combined with baking soda is a powerful freshener for a few different parts of the home. It can be utilised on drains, washboards and draining boards, not to mention on a whole host of kitchen and bathroom surfaces, including the internal parts of the fridge.

To conclude, a simple but effective way to give your living space a homely, comfortable fragrance is by cooking up a pot of good quality coffee. As the coffee perclolates, it will fill your home with its divine fragrance, masking any foul smells. So there you have it - four or five inexpensive, natural ways to keep your home smelling good - and no need to call on the bottle of bleach hidden away in the cupboard under the sink!

The author is owner of the Scented Candle Store which supplies a range of luxury home fragrances including True Grace candles and Yankee candles

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