Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Yankee Candles Make A House A Home

When you first decide to pick home fragrances to use in your new house you usually find that particular fragrances are better suited to certain rooms or parts of the home. For example in the vestibule reception or living rooms the the most commonly used scents tend to be those welcoming, invigorating scents like the citrus fragrances of grapefruit or orange blossom, but you could also give some thought to the lively fragrance of bergamot for these areas. What you are looking for is an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, both for you as you return home from a stressful day at work, or for friends and family calling on you.

Scented candles, in particular candles created by luxury candle makers like True Grace candles or Yankee candles, are by far the most sought after of all home fragrance products but there are certain pitfalls associated with their use, especially in relation to the risk of fire. For example it may not be practical or wise to leave lit candles burning in your hall or reception area, sohere the best suggestion is to choose a reed diffuser instead. Reed diffusersoperate without requiringany flame or power supply. They also provide a delicate, continuous fragrance which is ideal to greet unexpected visitors - after all, it is not possible to have a candle burning all the time, just in case guests arrive.

For other rooms in the home, for example the bedroom or bathroom, relaxing aromas including chamomile or lavender work perfectly. Maybe you recall the old-fashioned advice of sprinkling some lavender or other scented oil or water on your bedclothes to help get a good night's sleep? Well, the use of scented candles and diffusers is simply a contemporary alternative. In the bathroom, one of the most pleasant ways to spend some time is by taking a long luxurious bath while drinking in the fragrance of your favourite scented candles. Indeed you could try a blendof several different aromas? The lovely fragrance and subtle flicker of the flame combine to help create a soothing atmosphere. And needless to say using scented candles in the bedroom can be both relaxing and romantic. However take heed. If you like to nod off to sleep while enjoying your favourite fragrance it is probably not the best idea to do so with scented candles. It is not recommended to leave candles alight as you sleep. In this situation it is more reasonable  to rely on reed diffusers which allow you to enjoy the same lovely aromas but in complete safety.

The author is owner of The Scented Candle Store, where you will find a wide range of luxury home fragrances, including True Grace candles and Yankee candles

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